How to Grow Wheat Grass at Home Without Soil


Wheat grass is a type of grass that is growing in popularity due to its many health benefits. It is an excellent source of minerals, vitamins, and enzymes that can help to detoxify the body and promote healthy digestion. Wheat grass can be grown in soil, but it is also possible to grow it without soil, using just water and a few other supplies. This article will provide an overview of how to grow wheat grass at home without soil.

What is Wheat Grass?

Wheat grass is a type of grass that is closely related to wheat. It is a nutrient-dense plant that is rich in minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and chlorophyll. Wheat grass is often juiced, blended, or eaten raw to gain the health benefits associated with it. It has been used in many traditional medicine systems for centuries to treat a wide range of ailments and promote overall health.

Benefits of Growing Wheat Grass at Home

Benefits of Growing Wheat Grass at Home

Growing wheat grass at home has many benefits. It can be grown in a small space, requires minimal supplies, and is easy to maintain. It can provide a steady source of fresh wheat grass for juicing or eating raw. It also allows you to control the quality of the wheat grass, as you are in charge of the growing conditions.

Supplies Needed to Grow Wheat Grass at Home

Wheat grass is a type of grass that is often used in juicing and smoothies. It is easy to grow at home and requires minimal supplies. To grow wheat grass, you will need a shallow container, potting soil, wheat seeds, and a sunny location. You will also need a spray bottle to keep the soil moist during the growing process. Additionally, you may need a cutting board and knife to harvest the wheat grass.

  • A Tray – You will need a shallow tray or container to hold the wheat grass. A standard 10” x 20” seed tray will work well.
  • Wheat Grass Seeds – You will need to purchase wheat grass seeds that are specifically designed for growing wheat grass.
  • Water – You will need to use filtered or distilled water when growing wheat grass, as regular tap water can contain contaminants that can be harmful to the plants.
  • A Light Source – You will need to provide the wheat grass with a light source in order to promote growth. A grow light or a window will work well.
  • A Growing Medium – You will need something to hold the seeds and help them sprout. You can use specially formulated wheat grass growing medium, or you can make your own.

How to Grow Wheat Grass at Home Without Soil

How to Grow Wheat Grass at Home Without Soil

Growing wheatgrass at home without soil is possible, but requires a few specialized tools. The process involves soaking wheat berries, spreading them in a shallow tray, and watering them regularly to promote growth. To begin, you will need a tray with drainage holes, wheat berries, and a liquid fertilizer such as diluted fish emulsion.

Soak the Seeds

The first step is to soak the wheat grass seeds in water for 8-12 hours. This will help to soften the seeds and promote germination.

Drain the Water

Once the seeds have been soaked, you will need to drain the water and rinse the seeds in cold water.

Spread the Seeds

Once the seeds have been soaked and rinsed, you will need to spread them evenly in the tray. You can use your hands or a spoon to spread the seeds.

Add the Growing Medium

Once the seeds have been spread, you will need to add the growing medium. You can use a specially formulated wheat grass growing medium, or you can make your own using peat moss, vermiculite, and soil.

Add Water

Once the growing medium has been added, you will need to add water. You should use filtered or distilled water to avoid any contaminants.

Cover the Tray

Once the water has been added, you will need to cover the tray with a lid or a piece of plastic wrap. This will help to keep the moisture in and promote the growth of the wheat grass.

Place in a Light Source

Once the tray is covered, you will need to place it in a light source. A grow light or a window will work well.

Harvest the Wheat Grass

Once the wheat grass has grown to the desired height, you can harvest it. You can use scissors to cut the wheat grass, then rinse it and enjoy it.


Growing wheat grass at home without soil is an easy and rewarding process. It can provide a steady source of fresh wheat grass for juicing or eating raw. With the right supplies and knowledge, anyone can learn how to grow wheat grass at home without soil.

About Me

I'm a passionate hydroponic gardener and have been growing with hydroponics for over 10 years. I'm always excited to share my experiences, tips, and advice with other hydroponic gardeners. Through my blog, I hope to inspire others to explore the potential of hydroponics and to share the joys and rewards of gardening with this amazing technology.

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