How to Grow Parsley Hydroponically


Hydroponics is the process of growing plants in nutrient-enriched water, without the use of soil. This is a great way to produce high-yield, healthy plants for consumption. Parsley is a popular herb that can be grown hydroponically. Here is a guide on how to grow parsley hydroponically.

How to Grow Parsley Hydroponically

Growing parsley hydroponically is a great way to cultivate a healthy crop in any environment, as it doesn’t require soil and can be grown indoors or outdoors. To get started, you will need a hydroponic system, a hydroponic fertilizer, and a well-draining hydroponic growing medium such as perlite, vermiculite, or a coco-coir mix. Once these items are gathered, you can begin the process of growing parsley hydroponically.

  1. Buy a hydroponic growing system and parsley seeds.
  2. Fill the hydroponic system with a nutrient solution.
  3. Plant the parsley seeds in the growing medium.
  4. Place the growing system in an area with adequate light and temperature.
  5. Monitor the pH and nutrient levels regularly.
  6. Make sure the water is changed and nutrient levels are replenished every week.
  7. Feed the plants with a liquid fertilizer every two weeks.
  8. Prune the parsley regularly to encourage bushy, healthy growth.
  9. Harvest your parsley when the leaves are at least 2 inches in size.

Fill the hydroponic system with the growing medium and add the hydroponic fertilizer according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Place parsley seeds in the growing medium and keep the hydroponic system moist and warm. Once the seeds have germinated, you can begin to provide the plants with the required nutrients, water, and light.

How to Grow Parsley Hydroponically

You should maintain the pH level of the hydroponic system between 6.5 and 7.5 to ensure the best growth for your parsley. You may need to adjust the nutrient levels of the system to optimize the growth of your parsley. You should check the system regularly to ensure that the plants are healthy and free of pests or diseases. With proper care, your hydroponically grown parsley should be ready to harvest in 6-8 weeks.

Selecting a Hydroponic System

The first step in growing parsley hydroponically is to select a hydroponic system. There are many different types of hydroponic systems available, including deep water culture, nutrient film technique, and wick systems. Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to research each system before making a decision.

Deep Water Culture

Deep water culture systems are ideal for growing parsley hydroponically. This type of system uses a large tank of nutrient-enriched water, where the plants are suspended. The roots of the plants are constantly submerged in the nutrient solution, allowing for maximum absorption of nutrients.


  • Rapid growth – The plants can thrive in the nutrient-rich water, leading to rapid growth.
  • Easy to maintain – Deep water culture systems require very little maintenance, making them ideal for first-time hydroponic growers.
  • Low cost – Deep water culture systems are relatively inexpensive to set up, making them ideal for those on a budget.


  • Risk of root rot – Keeping the roots submerged can lead to root rot, which can cause the plant to die.
  • Potential for algae growth – Algae can thrive in nutrient-rich water, which can lead to an unhealthy environment for the parsley.
  • Limited space – Deep water culture systems can only accommodate a limited number of plants.

Nutrient Film Technique

Nutrient film technique systems are a type of hydroponic system that uses a constant flow of nutrient-enriched water. The water is pumped from a reservoir, and then flows over the roots of the plants. This system can be ideal for growing parsley hydroponically.


  • Easy to maintain – The nutrient film technique requires very little maintenance, making it ideal for those with limited time.
  • High yield – The constant flow of nutrient-rich water can lead to high yields of parsley.
  • Expansive – This system can accommodate more plants than deep water culture systems.


  • Cost – This system can be more expensive to set up than deep water culture systems.
  • Risk of clogging – The water pump can become clogged with debris, leading to an unhealthy environment for the parsley.
  • Risk of root damage – The constant flow of water can lead to root damage if the water is not properly oxygenated.

Selecting a Growing Medium

Selecting a Growing Medium

Once the hydroponic system has been selected, the next step is to select a growing medium. Growing mediums provide support for the roots and help to retain moisture. For parsley, a lightweight growing medium such as coco coir or perlite can be used.

When it comes to growing parsley hydroponically, the best growing medium to use is a lightweight, well-draining, and pH-neutral medium such as perlite, rockwool, or coco coir. This medium should be able to hold moisture, but at the same time be able to allow for good drainage, to ensure that the roots of the parsley don’t become waterlogged. The pH level should be between 6.0-7.0, as parsley does not do well in acidic or alkaline conditions. Additionally, the medium should be free of any diseases and microorganisms, to ensure the health of the parsley.

Coco Coir

Coco coir is a popular choice for growing parsley hydroponically. This medium is lightweight, and it can help to retain moisture and nutrients. It can also help to prevent root rot, making it an ideal choice for hydroponic growers.


  • Easy to use – Coco coir is easy to use and it can be found in most garden stores.
  • Retains moisture – This medium can help to retain moisture and nutrients, which can lead to healthier plants.
  • Prevents root rot – Coco coir can help to prevent root rot, making it an ideal choice for hydroponic growers.


  • Cost – Coco coir can be more expensive than other growing mediums.
  • Messy – This medium can be messy to work with, as it tends to break apart easily.
  • Not reusable – Coco coir is not reusable, so it must be replaced after each harvest.


Perlite is another popular growing medium for hydroponic growers. This medium is lightweight, and it can help to retain moisture and nutrients. It can also help to prevent root rot, making it an ideal choice for hydroponic growers.


  • Inexpensive – Perlite is relatively inexpensive, making it an ideal choice for those on a budget.
  • Lightweight – This medium is lightweight and it can be easily moved if necessary.
  • Retains moisture – Perlite can help to retain moisture and nutrients, which can lead to healthier plants.


  • Messy – This medium can be messy to work with, as it tends to break apart easily.
  • Dusty – Perlite can be dusty, which can be an irritant to some people.
  • Not reusable – Perlite is not reusable, so it must be replaced after each harvest.

Prepping the Growing System

Prepping the Growing System

Once the hydroponic system and growing medium have been selected, it is time to prep the system for planting. The nutrient solution should be tested to ensure that it is the correct pH and nutrient levels for the parsley. The growing system should also be thoroughly cleaned before planting to ensure that there are no pests or diseases present.

To grow parsley hydroponically, you will need to set up a growing system that can provide the necessary nutrient-rich environment for the plants to thrive. This will involve preparing a growing tray or container with an inert medium for the plant’s root system, along with a nutrient solution for delivering the necessary minerals and trace elements to the plant. You will also need to ensure that the environment is properly lit and that the temperature, humidity, and air circulation are set to the right levels to promote healthy plant growth. With the right setup and care, you can successfully grow parsley hydroponically.

Planting the Parsley

Once the system is prepped, it is time to plant the parsley. The parsley should be planted in the growing medium, and the roots should be covered with the medium. The parsley should be planted in the nutrient solution, and the pH and nutrient levels should be monitored regularly.

Caring for the Parsley

Parsley requires very little care when grown hydroponically. The pH and nutrient levels should be monitored regularly, and the growing medium should be kept moist. The parsley should also be exposed to light for at least 8 hours per day.

Harvesting the Parsley

The parsley is ready to be harvested when the leaves are dark green and fragrant. The leaves should be cut off at the base of the plant, and the roots should be left intact. The parsley can then be used fresh or dried for later use.

Harvesting parsley to grow hydroponically is a great way to enjoy the healthy benefits of this popular herb year-round. It is an easy process that requires minimal supplies and provides a steady, reliable supply of fresh parsley. To begin, you will need to purchase or propagate parsley seeds. Once you have your seeds, you will need to prepare a hydroponic system with a nutrient-rich solution.

You will need to carefully transfer the parsley seedlings into your hydroponic system and wait for them to mature. Once they are ready, you can harvest the parsley leaves and enjoy their fresh flavor. With proper care and maintenance, you will be able to enjoy an ongoing supply of this nutritious herb.


Growing parsley hydroponically is a great way to produce high-yield, healthy plants for consumption. By following this guide, you can successfully grow parsley hydroponically. With the right hydroponic system, growing medium, and care, you can enjoy fresh parsley year-round.

About Me

I'm a passionate hydroponic gardener and have been growing with hydroponics for over 10 years. I'm always excited to share my experiences, tips, and advice with other hydroponic gardeners. Through my blog, I hope to inspire others to explore the potential of hydroponics and to share the joys and rewards of gardening with this amazing technology.

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