How to Grow Hydroponic Eggplants


Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, using a nutrient-rich solution to provide essential nutrients to the plants. Eggplants are a popular choice for hydroponic cultivation, as they are easy to grow and require minimal maintenance. In this article, we will discuss the steps required to successfully grow hydroponic eggplants.

How to Grow Hydroponic Eggplants

Growing hydroponic eggplants can be a rewarding experience for both novice and experienced gardeners. Hydroponic gardening is a method of growing plants without soil, using nutrient-rich water and a growing medium such as clay pebbles, rockwool, or perlite. The benefits of hydroponic gardening include higher yields, faster growth, and fewer pest and disease problems.

  1. Start by preparing your hydroponic system. You’ll need a deep water culture or floating raft system, plus a nutrient solution.
  2. Plant your eggplant seeds in rock wool cubes or other hydroponic grow medium.
  3. Place the cubes in your hydroponic system and fill the tank with nutrient solution.
  4. Keep the nutrient solution at a temperature of 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit and pH between 5.5 and 6.5.
  5. Make sure the grow medium and nutrient solution are well-aerated.
  6. Monitor the nutrient levels in the solution and adjust as needed.
  7. Remove any dead or sickly plants from the system to ensure healthy growth.
  8. Give the eggplants plenty of light, either from artificial sources or natural sunlight.
  9. Harvest your eggplants when they are the desired size and shape. Enjoy!

To get started, select a suitable hydroponic system, such as deep water culture, nutrient film technique, or ebb and flow. Choose a strong variety of eggplant, such as ‘Black Beauty’ or ‘Rosa Bianca’, and fill the hydroponic system with your chosen growing medium. Make sure to keep the system clean and free of debris.

Prepare a nutrient solution of water and fertilizer specifically designed for hydroponic gardening, and add it to the system. Plant the seeds in the growing medium and maintain a temperature of 77-86°F and humidity of 60-70%.

Monitor the pH and nutrient levels of the hydroponic system and adjust as needed. Eggplants require full sun to partial shade and should be fertilized every two weeks. Keep the growing medium moist and provide adequate air circulation, as well as regular pruning and trimming of the plants.

Harvest the eggplants when they are ripe, usually after about three months. With proper care and maintenance, you can enjoy a bumper crop of tasty eggplants grown in your own hydroponic garden.

How to Grow Hydroponic Eggplants

Selecting the Right Seeds

The first step towards successful hydroponic eggplant cultivation is to select the right seeds. It is important to select seeds that are specifically designed for hydroponic cultivation. These seeds are usually labeled as “hydroponic-grade”. It is also important to select seeds that are disease-free, as this will help to prevent the spread of any diseases or pests.

When selecting the right seeds to grow hydroponic eggplants, it is important to consider the variety of seed, the climate in which you are growing, and the nutrient needs of the plant. Different varieties will require different levels of light, temperature, and nutrients in order to thrive. Researching the specific needs of the variety you want to grow will help you ensure success. It is important to choose seeds that are designed for hydroponic growing, as they will have been specifically bred to grow in water. It is important to consider the cost of the seeds, as well as their availability in your local area, to ensure you can easily obtain the supplies you need to get your eggplant crop started.

Preparing the Growing Medium

Once the seeds have been selected, the next step is to prepare the growing medium. The most common growing mediums for hydroponic eggplants are coconut coir and rockwool. Coconut coir is a lightweight, organic material that is lightweight, easy to use and can be composted once the plants have been harvested. Rockwool is an artificial material that is composed of spun glass fibers and is more durable than coconut coir.

Setting Up the Hydroponic System

Setting Up the Hydroponic System

The next step is to set up the hydroponic system. Hydroponic systems can be purchased online or at many local stores. They consist of a reservoir, a nutrient solution, a pump, an aeration system, and a growing medium. The reservoir is the container that holds the nutrient solution. The nutrient solution is a mix of essential minerals and nutrients that are essential for plant growth. The pump helps to keep the nutrient solution oxygenated and circulating throughout the system. The aeration system helps to keep the nutrient solution oxygenated, and the growing medium provides the plants with a place to root.

Planting the Seeds

Once the hydroponic system has been set up, the next step is to plant the seeds. The seeds should be planted in the growing medium at a depth of roughly 1/2 inch. Once the seeds have been planted, they should be kept moist and in a warm environment, with temperatures ranging from 65-75°F.

Providing Nutrients to the Plants

In hydroponic cultivation, the plants are provided with all the essential nutrients they need to grow. This is done via the nutrient solution. The nutrient solution should be changed every week or two, as the nutrients will become depleted over time. It is important to monitor the pH and EC levels of the nutrient solution, as these will affect the plants’ ability to absorb the nutrients.

Pruning and Training the Plants

Once the plants have become established, it is important to prune and train them. Pruning helps to keep the plants healthy and promote bushier growth. Training involves using methods such as stringing, staking, and trellising, to support the plants and keep them upright.

Harvesting the Eggplants

Eggplants can be harvested when they are dark purple in color and when the skin is firm. The eggplants should be harvested carefully, as the stems are easily damaged. When harvesting, it is important to leave the stems attached to the eggplants, as this will help them to stay fresh for longer.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Troubleshooting Common Issues

When growing hydroponic eggplants, it is important to be aware of any issues that may arise. Common issues include nutrient deficiencies, pests and diseases, and over- or underwatering. If any of these issues occur, it is important to address them quickly in order to prevent further damage to the plants.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Nutrient deficiencies can occur when the plants are not receiving the right balance of nutrients. This can be caused by the wrong nutrient solution, or by the nutrient solution becoming depleted over time. If nutrient deficiencies occur, it is important to adjust the nutrient solution and ensure that the plants are receiving the right balance of nutrients.

Pests and Diseases

Pests and diseases can be a common problem when growing hydroponic eggplants. It is important to monitor the plants for any signs of pests or diseases, such as discoloration or wilting. If any pests or diseases are found, it is important to take steps to address them quickly.

Over- or Underwatering

Over- or underwatering can cause the plants to become stressed or die. It is important to monitor the hydroponic system regularly to ensure that the plants are receiving the right amount of water. The nutrient solution should be changed every week or two, as the plants can become stressed if the nutrient solution becomes depleted.


Growing hydroponic eggplants can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily and successfully grow your own eggplants. From selecting the right seeds to troubleshooting common issues, hydroponic cultivation can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

Using Beneficial Insects

One way to help prevent pests and diseases from occurring is to introduce beneficial insects into the hydroponic system. Beneficial insects are insects that provide benefits to the plants, such as pollination or pest control. Examples of beneficial insects include ladybugs, lacewings, and predatory mites. These beneficial insects can help to keep pests and diseases under control, without the use of chemical pesticides or herbicides.

Attracting Beneficial Insects

The first step towards attracting beneficial insects is to create a habitat for them. This can be done by planting flowers and herbs near the hydroponic system, as this will attract beneficial insects. It is also important to keep the area free of chemical pesticides and herbicides, as this can be toxic to the beneficial insects.

Encouraging Beneficial Insects to Stay

Once beneficial insects have been attracted to the area, it is important to encourage them to stay. This can be done by providing them with a steady source of food and water. This can be done by placing a shallow dish of water near the hydroponic system, as this will help to provide moisture for the beneficial insects. It is also important to provide a continuous source of food, such as small pieces of fruit or vegetables.

Monitoring the Beneficial Insects

Once beneficial insects have been attracted, it is important to monitor them regularly. This will help to ensure that the beneficial insects are providing the necessary benefits to the plants. It is also important to ensure that the beneficial insects are not becoming a nuisance, as this could lead to an infestation.


Growing hydroponic eggplants is a great way to produce high-quality, nutrient-dense eggplants. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily and successfully grow your own eggplants. From selecting the right seeds to harvesting the eggplants, hydroponic cultivation can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

About Me

I'm a passionate hydroponic gardener and have been growing with hydroponics for over 10 years. I'm always excited to share my experiences, tips, and advice with other hydroponic gardeners. Through my blog, I hope to inspire others to explore the potential of hydroponics and to share the joys and rewards of gardening with this amazing technology.

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